Monday 28 May 2012

Isolated: My Cut

When being hired by professional practitioners, if the work you have produced isn't up to scratch, or not everybody's vision was quite the same or even if there are a couple of minor edits to be done, you have to go and work on what they want. I was never truly happy with my Isolated video and some obvious parts of the video i wanted to change but didn't actually get round to it before the hand in. When i received my feedback i was ashamed that i hadn't gone back and made that extra bit of effort to edit it myself. Some words i've taken out my feedback given back to me from Mike, I wanted to work on parts to improve it even that tiny bit more.

"The Isolated piece was quite good but spent far too long on the build up to the point where the viewer realises what's going on. You spent almost 30 seconds getting dressed (a quarter of the film) before it began to make some sense. If anything it was too subtle at the beginning and for me didn't identify the loss of a friend until much later (Perhaps the Marvel opening wasn't obvious enough and the shot where you were quite tightly in on the photos on the wall could have lingered longer)."

I went back and cut 11 seconds of footage in total, that includes extending a couple of scenes by a second or two, and getting rid of cuts where Joel was getting changed. I extended the marvel comic strip at the beginning and extended the images on the wall.

By doing this it shows I have studied the brief, analysed it and responded to what my client (in this case my tutor) recommended I changed.

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