Wednesday 25 January 2012

Shooting the Short day 1

On the first day of filming as a group, we ran into a couple of problems. Our organisation skills were pretty poor but a group of 4 boys, never having seen each other out of class i felt it was bound to happen. We had set off to Liberty Park where we were first filming, and we'd forgotten to hire out our main subject - Our actors best friend - the camera.

Time management was obviously effected in this time, Wiz and I sorted that out as Tim and Joel set up in Joel's room and in the mean time we managed to get Wiz a parking ticket. Financially it wasn't exactly in the planned budget but we had to dig out deep in our pockets to resolve that issue.

We printed off 20-30 images of Joel and his friends from his Facebook to stick up on his wall in his room to show the love and passion of Joel's character towards his friends, and photography.

Before filming we went through the story board talking about how we'd all like each shot and what will work best. Filming each scene atleast a couple of times and even in different positions to get the best out of our work. We captured many short quick takes to try and show the rush and panic Joel shows in the film so the audience question okay where is this going and whys he showing tension.

We filmed for around 3-4 hours before moving on downstairs, and to the front of the building, where we got stopped and admittedly our mistake in the first place, we had to get written permission signed off by the manager at Liberty Park, to say it is okay to film here and we don't include any drugs or alcohol and i quote "otherwise he's not interested in seeing it" with a cheeky laugh at the end.

During the day many of my ideas were discussed before filming each scene, and if it was disagreed by one or the others, we looked into ways of either making it work or adapting it slightly. I felt we grew closer as a team hour by hour and by agreeing to disagree, friendship grew within the group and we were all happy to tell each other exactly how we felt being in our own comfort zones. It's the first time i've ever filmed with a group of people rather than on my own and i was happy to ask for advise from the team if I wasn't sure how something would work. I would openly say if I didn't like how something was acted or filmed and i could take the criticism when part of the team didn't like an idea i had come up with, which i feel as a team if you can't tell each other your honest opinion the results won't be the same.

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