Tuesday 31 January 2012

Christopher Nolan & Tarantino's Pulp Fiction

Nolan is regarded as one of the greatest directors, has screen-played Momento, Batman Begins, The Prestige, A Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Chris has also written Inception and Following.

I could talk for hours about his movies, but his art work and filming has influenced how i look through a camera and hit the record button. Some of his signature work he begins his movies by introduces his main characters with a close up of their hands performing an action. In the instructional video i was concentrating on close-ups based on footage i have seen from Nolan's films.

Like in Momento, he usually starts films with a flashback or a scene from the end of the movie. In my first poem film I start off using a marvel effect, to show that the character is dreaming and create a dramatic effect for when he wakes up. 

Non-linear timelines (momento) is very similar to Quentin Tarantino's pulp fiction. Nolan uses this technique in a couple of films he directs and clearly he makes it work very well. It's something i'd like to incorporate in a future film i direct. Nolan employs non-linear storytelling techniques, often flipping around the three acts of a movie to tell the story in an interesting fashion. But by bringing out the darkest sides of a character eg. Keith Ledger in Batman, Guy Pearce in Momento it's very effective wether it's non linear or shot normally.

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