Tuesday 15 October 2013

tutorial 15/10/2013 - WHAT ARE THE QUESTIONS I WANT TO FIND OUT???!

look at a broad range of genres so i can discuss the different moods achieved

an investigation into cinematography and lighting in film

- hitchcock
- citizen kane
- nosferatu
- kubrick


lighting, mood, get a sence of place

start analyze films, watch, make opinions, and compare with other reviews on the internet.

what are the questions i want to ask, what do i want to find out?


Claire Study skills

An Investigation into Cinematography and Lighting in film
-How it looks and how it makes the audience feel...
-Looking at the effects of lighting on the mood of the film
Use of lighting techniques to achieve different results/moods

What Cinematographers styles are?
-What is unique about their style?

How do they achieve their desired effects?

Why do they use specific lightening for specific moods? What is the psychology behind it? – Theorist (Psychology) 
How has lighting changed over time? How has technology influenced change?
Is the technical side of this relevant?
Explanation on how certain effects were achieved...

Do Cinematographers have more room for error with grading in post production?

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