Friday 18 October 2013

how to make a short film

1.   1
Make a list of every prop location and actor available locally.

Keep a dream journal. Dreams are a very visual so provide good inspiration for a short film.
o   Fantasies
o   Fears
o   What if?
o   Free writing.
2.   3
Test your idea.
o   Conflict. The idea must have conflict
o   Entertaining
o   Visual. Film is a visual medium of telling stories so don't rely on dialogue to tell the story. The drama must be external and not internal (psychological).
Seek constructive criticism. If you find this challenging write down what the worst case scenario would be.
3.   6
Write a short sentence (15 words or less) of the fundamental concept which drives the plot.
o   The premise for E.T. could be 'A lonely boy is befriended by an alien'.
o   Seek feedback on your premise before you develop your film.


·       Keep a file for your film ideas.
·       Although film is a visual medium, you should think of its relationship with sound.
·       Keep it simple.
·       Have fun with it! Get your friends to be your actors, and sit on a chair with a speaker yelling at them! Fun!
·       When you're ready to write the screenplay, download Celtx, a free script writing software. It makes organizing the story much easier, and it makes your screenplay look more professional.
·       When your trying to get some actors use friends or stick up posters like for an audition or something like that.
·       The protagonist should not change.
EditRelated wikiHows
·       How to Make a Short Film

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