Tuesday 6 March 2012


Lecture 12/10/2011

Richard Mills

Modernism - initially born out of optimism, an aspirational, reaction to WW1, with a view to harnessing technology to improve peoples lives.
Form follows function

Modernism is associated with:

The p-mod condition is characterized by:
disillusionment with the idea of absolute knowledge

reaction to: modern life/ technology/ new materials/ communication

Jean Tinguely:
‘Homage to New York’
opposite of art
start post -mod

Origins of p-mod - 1917
German writer Rudolph Pannwitz spoke of nihilistic

1960’s - begins
1970’s - established as term (Jencks)
1980’s - recognizable style
1980’s &90’s - dominant theoretical discourse
Today - tired and simmering

Post Modernism term:
after modernism
the historical era following the modern
contra modernism
equivalent to ‘late capitalism’ (Jameson)
artistic and stylistic eclecticism
‘global village’ phenomena: globalization of cultures and races.

Quote 1 - Robert Venturi: ‘Complexity and Contradiction in Modern Architecture’ 1962

‘I like elements which are hybrid rather than ‘pure’, compromising rather than ‘clean’, distorted rather than ‘straight-forward’, ambiguous rather than ’articulated’, perverse as well as impersonal...’

1972 learning from Las Vegas: Robert Venturi, Denise Scott-Brown & Steven Izenour

Charles Jencks:
the language of post modern architecture (1977)
Missouri 15th July 1979, 3:32 pm - He states that at this time Modern Architecture died, when the Pruit-Igoe housing development was blown up
Arch controls you, rather than you control it

Post - Mod:
post-mod has an attitude
i am a movement
no rules
critique of the international style
celebrates what might otherwise be termed ‘kitsch’

sea-gram building 1957
Park hill Sheffield - failed project, residents wanted to be knocked down because it wasn’t a nice place to live! Government wouldn’t knock it down so they gave it a post mod make over.

Frank Gehry - guggenheim museum, Bilboa 1998

James Striling, nelle staatrgalerie, Stuggart, Germany 1977-1983
bits look modern but bits classical

post mod- try’s to do the opposite of modernism, reacts to it.

Quinlan Terry (1992-93) the maitland Robinson library at Downing College, Cambridge uni - conservative post mod.

J-F Lyotard:
‘The post mod condition’, 1979 (trans. Manchester 1984)
Fragmentation, loss of belief, confusion regarding legitimation - especially criteria of judgement... Result - crises in confidence

Quote 2
‘Generally post modern artist like to mix the highbrow and the populist, the alienating and the accessible, and to ‘sample’ elements from different styles and eras...

..now you can reinvent yourself endlessly, gaily pick ‘n’ mixing your way through the gaudy fragments of a shattered culture’.

Instead of looking at new materials - post mod aesthetics
complexity chaos

High art/low art - beginning to crumble high fashion

Las Vegas:
post modern city, styles class, dystopia

Andy Warhol - Marilynn Monroe
art becomes advertising

Memphis Group founded in 1981
Space for Marginalized discourse: woman, sexual, diversity

a vague disputed term
questioning modernism
post-mod aesthetic = multiplicity of styles and approaches
shift in thought and theory investigating ‘crises in confidence’
space for new voices
rejection of technological determinism?

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