Tuesday 6 March 2012

Modernity & Modernism


Modernity & Modernism - Richard Mills
Remember: 24th sept - 15th jan V&A post modernism style subversion 1970 - 90

Terms: modern, modernity - brings a change of culture - industrialization, urbanization - the city
modern artists response to the city
psychology and subjective experience
modern art and photography
defining ‘modernism’ in art

John Ruskin - 1819-1900
wrote book called Modern Painters - used it as ‘the now’

new woman - improvement on traditional woman - now capable of doing manual labour, working, voting etc
new - describing it as progression
term shifts and meaning - improvement of quality

Paris 1900, the signs of modernity
Paris was most modern city at the time, competition with Britain ‘who was more modern’ - to be later replaced by New York
urban and modern was rapidly different at the time, modernity said to be finished in its 60s
‘How can modernism of ended’ people say ‘we live in post modernism’

farming is now heavy industry
urbanization brings density of people to city - a mass of people together that don’t know each other
life speeds up due to invention of trains, whole country now accessible in hours
invention of phone
new sites of leisure, cinema etc, forms of distraction, bikes, electricity
Trottoir Roullant - electric  moving walkaway - 7km n hour, allows people to interact with the city

London Crystal Palace, great exhibition
attempt to beat paris
cultural race who can be most cultural city between Paris and London

enlightenment project - basically where world starts to turn to science and philosophy instead of religion in late 18th century (thinking made leaps and bounds)

City becomes social life, where everything happens, the hub, a character itself, and an object study due to social dynamics

railways becoming national and international, countries agree on world time, people ran days by solar clock, increased density of population increases alienation and loneliness
fashion starts to become a key signifier of yourself, you have to find ways to identify and express yourself

Paris 1950’s on - a new paris
old Paris architecture of narrow streets and run down housing is ripped out haussman (city architect) redesigns paris
form of social control interesting side effect - modernizing paris
peoples interactions start to change, electric street lights come in.

growth of psychology late 1800s
people worried with inventions, would eventually make people go mad - effecting artists work

throughout period of modernity - direct change to society - almost forced art into a different place
society modernizes art - NOT modernizing society
bring out interactions with people

painting by Surat?
modern scene suggestions of prostitution
juxtaposed dots and colors
technique developed by optical sciences, a new discovery especially in art

Surat 2
factory workers, with factory behind them, shift work ends so relaxing (free time)
life becomes rational, sneaking in on a break whilst rich go by on their boats - class separation

photography changes what painters does

kaiserpanorama 1883
mass optical viewing devise
sit on chair (like peep show) and view images of landscapes
what it represents - psychology - why  people chose to pay to do that instead of go seeing the sites themselves
we get our understanding and see life through a television and the internet
isolated, individualized - modern phenomenon - changes world not always for the better

Max Nordau - book  degeneration 1892
contemporary critics worried about changes of society - people seeing modern world as bad - others celebrated it
max predicted ‘the end of the 20th century will probably see a generation of whom it will not be injurious to read a dozen square yard of newspapers daily (yes internet) - to be constantly called to the telephone, to be thinking simultaneously of the 5 continents of the world, to live half their time in a railway carriage, or in a flying machine and... know to find their ease in the mist...

The Lumiere brothers - radical - people had not seen anything like it. They showed a train coming to a stop at a platform - the audience ran away thinking it was coming at them! never had seen film before.

if we start to think about the subjective experience (the experience of the person/ individual and thoughts of themselves in modern world) we come close to understanding modern art and experience of modernity - modernism emerges out of the subjective response of artists.

modernism in art/design
its emerging of changing the world
the same change occurs in design, which will respond to the world and whats happening at the time.
anti - historicism (always looks forward) moderns better/good (and doesn’t look back)
truth to materials (let materials speak for themselves)
form follows function (beauty follows its function)

Adolf Loos (1908) wrote an essay - ornament is crime
truth to materials, simple geometric forms appropriate to the material being used, form follows function

Bau Haus - foundation school in Dessau
was a modern building, big windows, wall is nothing but concrete, new font

new materials; concrete, new technologies of steel, plastics, aluminum, reinforced glass
mass production

reinforced resin and steel to design the modern hill shoes for women

the term modern is not a neutral term - suggests novelty and improvement
modernity (1750-1960) - social and cultural experience
modernism - range of ideas and styles that sprang from modernity
importance of modernism: 1) a vocab of styles. 2) art and design education. 3) idea of form follows function

Seminar Continued with Gary Barker

Modernism as abstraction
Letlye color box (1935)
Mary Ellen Bute, color rhapsodie (1948)
Oskar Fischinger designing Disney’s Fantasia/ Worked for Walt Disney (hidden under walt)

Modernism and the myth of artists
Vincent Van Gosh
John Brapby - one of the first portrait commissions was to paint Coronation Street.

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