Thursday 6 October 2011

Introduction Pecha Kucha

Pecha-Kucha... is the name of the task we were asked to do over the summer as a sort of 'ice breaker'. It was a little odd finding out peoples backgrounds, lives of other peers outside and before the college, their inspirations and even though we've been joined together due to this path we've taken, how different each and every one of us are.
It was a simple task once i got started, but getting back into the rhythm of education was for me almost a painful experience. I'd forgotten all about the fun and enjoyment involved in it when putting a couple of ideas together - the adrenaline and rush. Proud to say i spent every day i worked during my gap year living off adrenaline, no better high in life!
The same week we went bowling  in a social attempt to get to know eachother, have a beer or two, get comfortable with everybody, i even got lucky with 107 & 126!!! Pure fluke that my game was there that day!
It's important for all colleagues, peers, teachers students and everyone in a working environment to be on a well respected creative level. We will be working together for 3 years so it's important that we get off to a good start and make friends, and that we don't hide away.

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