Tuesday 30 October 2012

BATMAN The Dark Knight Rises EXCLUSIVE

When being asked what i'd like to do when i'm older, or the path i'd like to head down in the future, my first initial reaction is to say film. Originally I came onto the course for my interest in animation and fascination of game making. Over the past year, being behind a camera, as well as being able to be practical and getting out there to produce short film is something i'd like to extend on. In any big project we do I find myself very overwhelmed. Jumping over those hurdles of ideas, creativity, being able to write a script down on paper and to and show it on camera. Then post production. It's all a big process that can pull you down when you can't see the final product.

For me when watching a movie, I get that butterfly feeling that brings me down and forces questions in my mind. 'Am i capable of writing something like that?' 'Could i come up with interesting camera shots like that?' 'Would i be brave and confident enough to hand out different roles within the film industry and act like a director?' I struggle to get my head round how such a massive production is taken place, and so when I was asked to write about what skills i'd like to learn this year I felt that i needed to go and visit like shoots. See for myself how the role of the director or d.o.p is fulfilled and is that a serious route i'd like to go in the future.

There are many skills i'd like to better myself out and this includes many of the practical side of things rather than the pre and post production side. Getting behind a camera for example, shooting great images or taking complete control of how i perceive and script to create a piece of film that's seen with my eyes.

To help me gain experience and confidence, i'm going to be looking for film sets in the UK where I could be allowed to have a look at whats going on and how the set is being run. An internship or placement is something i'd like to atleast attempt to carry out at some point over my education studies. I'd also like to create various short movies of my own this year so I could really gain on my experience from last year and build on my set of skills and knowledge.

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