Tuesday 27 August 2013

Stu Maschwitz "film making is a process of removing information"

Stu Maschwitz - Director & author of "the DV Rebel's Guide":

"Film is not about reality. Narrative filmmaking is about story telling. In story telling we can use all the help we can get to enhance that sense of things being larger than life."

"In a presentation i gave a couple years ago where i showed just a still frame of a gun sitting on a table in perfect crisp everything in focus bright colours everything looks normal, and then i started to click through my slides and show how it would take information away from that by going from deep depth of field to shallow depth of field. I can focus on just the trigger of the gun and now i'm starting to tell a story. Then by upping the contrast and blowing up the high res and crushing the shadows i'm now also telling more of a story by removing information. The last thing i would do would chop off the top and bottom and turn it into a wide screen. I went from a crappy snap shot to a frame of a movie and i did it all by taking away information. Film making is a process of removing information, when you frame a shot its not about what u include its about what u don't include. Your focusing the audience's attention in one specific thing and your doing that by removing information."

"The assertion that film is somehow going to become a more immersive or more emotional experience to people by adding more information to it, fly's contrary to the central mission of film, which is to take away everything that doesn't help tell your story."


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