Thursday 10 January 2013

Communication Theory COP

Communication Theory

Lecture 10 – 10/1/2013


To introduce key themes and concepts in semiotics
To explore key theories and theorists in the field of structural linguistics
To explore uses of semiotics in the analysis of art & design

Defining semiotics
Ferdinand De Saussure defined semiology – a study of sign systems
He separated the word (sign) from the meaning is not inherent within the sign
He also separated the act of speech (la parole) from the system of language (la langue)
Semiotics is a form of metal language – a language about language
Systems and structures (the context of the sign) dictate somewhat the reading

Advertising is a system
Film is a system
Systems of communication, different signs of what they do because there is an agreement of what they mean

What do these colours signify?
Green – go, grass
Blue – water, Chelsea

Put a picture of crisps next to the colours and it makes you think of the flavors – salt and vinegar, cheese and onion.

Saussure tells us that meaning is established in differentiation
Rather than establishing what it is we establish what it is now
“Concepts… are defined not positively, in terms of their content, but negatively nu contrast with other….

Connotation and denotation
Provides us with ‘levels’ or ‘orders’ of signification
Roland Barthes warns that denotation is not literal meaning but is naturalized through language
Most evident where signifiers merely refer to other signifiers

Myths are signs that are culturally informed
Barthes linked myths to ideology – ‘Bourgeouis ideology… turns culture into nature (1974)

Syntagm and paradigm
Syntagm – a series or collection of signifiers within a ‘text’ eg a sentence
Syntagmatic relations – how signifiers within a syntagm relate to eachother
Paradigm – signifiers that relate through function or relative meaning eg. Boy/man, male/female
Paradigmatic relation – how paradigmatic signifiers contrast and construct meaning

Metaphor and metonym
Are both non-literal forms of signification, as such require a level of interpretation

Metaphor is where one signifier is replaces with another of similar concept or character metonymy is where a signifier stands in for another to which it is conceptually or physically a part of. (Displacement)
A part to represent the whole or the whole represent the part… association along a chain of signification

The greatest movie ever sold
Movie about his task of making a movie, in his search for funding and product placement for his movie. (a meta movie)

Is the term used for the broad application of semiotics/semiology to a range of sign systems
Further than the application solely to linguistics
Structuralism emphasizes structures or systems of signification…
            Not what it means but how it comes to mean
Semiotic linguistic terms/structures act as analogies for other systems

Post structuralism
While structuralism focuses on the structures of meaning in any signifying system…
Post structuralism focuses on the interpreter/reader and the precarious nature of meaning
Structuralism reduces everything to related elements within a signifying system
This is authoritarian in nature
It assumes the presence of meaning (the metaphysics of presence) logocentrism
            Anything that does not fit discarded or ignored
Post structuralisms aim to deconstruct assumptions and emphasis the plurality of interpretation

Jacques Derrida established this term both in development of Saussure and disagreement
Differer – To differ and to defer
Differance is both differing and deferring simultaneously
Derrida states that meaning is not only established in difference/opposition but is also being deferred

‘every text is from the outset under the jurisdiction of other discourses which impost a universe on it’ (Julia Kristeva)
Intertextuality describes how text are constructs /collages of previous texts…
When writers write they are also written

Jean Baudrillard introduces the idea of hyperreality in prepresentation… a copy without an original
That we have lost the ability to recognize the difference between nature and artificiality
“The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory – precession of simulacra – that engenders the territory” (JB)

Stages of simulacra
1.     the image is a clear counterfeit of the original (pre modern)
2.     distinctions between the copy and original begin to break-down through mass-production and distribution (modern)
3.     pure simulacra where the copy precedes and determines the teal (post modern)

Considerations for art and design
Considerations in analyzing art and design?
Considerations in creating art and design?

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